A quote and a response

A learned friend today shared a quote in the social media which opened up an emotional outpouring of my heart.To preserve it as a personal record, I make this post in my blog.The quote: Man is a fallible being. He can never be sure of his steps...Mine is a struggling, striving, erring, imperfect soul. But … Continue reading A quote and a response

Authentic Power

*Authentic Power*Money is a symbol of external power. Those who have the most money have the most ability to control their environment and those within it, while those who have the least money have the least ability to control their environment and those within it. Money is acquired, lost, stolen, inherited and fought for. Education, … Continue reading Authentic Power

Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh (an article in the Guardian Professional)

Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, one of the world's leading spiritual teachers, is a man at great peace even as he predicts the possible collapse of civilisation within 100 years as a result of runaway climate change. The 86-year-old Vietnamese monk, who has hundreds of thousands of followers around the world, believes the reason most … Continue reading Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh (an article in the Guardian Professional)


Rishis Our ancient rishis were not only spiritualists as the present generation believes. Each rishi had, only by dint of strenuous learning and hard work, acquired the mastery of many arts and sciences including martial ones, and could discuss, elaborate and describe about all range of knowledge from the smallest to the biggest. India had … Continue reading Rishis

Intellectual Knowledge and Spiritual Illumination

Intellectual Knowledge and Spiritual Illumination Illumined souls are those whose consciousness has been lighted up by the self-effulgent light of Truth, the Supreme Divine Reality, called variously God, Brahman, Jehovah, Allah. We must, however, clearly distinguish between mere theoretical knowledge and the knowledge which follows actual experience. Book-learning is often mistaken for highest knowledge, but … Continue reading Intellectual Knowledge and Spiritual Illumination