An Exploratory Approach to Consciousness- 3

Strödinger’s Wave Equation : Consciousness creates the Reality outside

Erwin Strödinger’s ‘wave equation’ gave a stronger validity to the third conclusion of the Uncertainty Principle.  In certain circumstances Strödinger’s wave function predicted the behavior of a given particle upto a point and then described two equally probable outcomes of the same particle.

The two outcomes the branch into four, eight, sixteen and infinitum possibilities. In fact the wave equation suggests ‘an endlessly proliferating number of possibilities for the observed system (external reality) whether it is observed or not.

Strödinger tried to explain this strange phenomenon through his thought-experiment known as Strödinger’s Cat.

“If Strödinger’s equation does represent reality perhaps consciousness itself is the hidden variable” writes M. Talbot, that decides how the outcome of an event actually occurs.

Graham, Hugh Everette and John A.Wheeler interpreted that in Strödinger’s wave equation, the wave function is the real thing. All the possibilities that it represents are real and they all happen. This is known as Many World Interpretation of Quantum Physics.

The interpretation has opened unprecedented possibilities of human evolution.

We can see the world according to our states of consciousness. Sinners like Magdalene or Amrapali who were hated by the so called virtuous, become an object of compassion and care to Christ and Buddha, and an object of adoration and respect to Ramakrishna.

Physics has laid the rational foundation for these different visions of reality. No one can see either an electron or one may not apprehend mystical ecstasy of others, but the idirect evidence of electron will be left out on the screen, and of a perfect Saviour on world history.

According to Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, Strödinger’s wave equation generates an endlessly proliferating number of possibilities. “According to the Everette-Wheeler-Graham theory, the same development generates an endlessly proliferating different branches of reality,” writes Michael Talbot.

Everette-Wheeler interpretation makes the existence of parallel universes seem more and more real, and it becomes clear that the external reality is the creation of observer’s mind.

Another interpretation suggested by physicist F.A.Wolf, is the trans-actional interpretation of quantum physics which asserts that the future communicates with the present.  Katha Upanishad says: He, the Infinite Consciousness, is the ruler – controller of the past and future, and therefore He is not afraid of anything. (Īsānam bhūtabhavyasyana tato vijugupsate).

Eugene Wigner, Nobel Prize winner in physics, suggests that our consciousness alters the world by altering us. It affects how we appraise the future. And it does this by altering our own quantum wave functions. It is our wills that change those probable futures into an actual present.

Wigner describes the process: “It is the entering of an impression into our consciousness which … modifies our appraisal … for different impressions which we expect to receive in the future. It is at this point that the consciousness enters the theory unavoidably and unalterably”.

Physicist Fred Allan Wolf explains the biological processes during the formation of the observer-created reality. Wolf says: “Consciousness is the process wherein potential reality becomes actual reality.” The period of time during which the determinate event occurs is, according to Wolf, five thousandths of one second. It corresponds to the period between pulses or firings of a single neutron.

(To be continued)
This  continues with what Drgdrsyaviveka states on the topic.)

Excerpts from SWAMI JITATMANANDA’s research article (58 pages) *”Science and Philosophy : An Approach to Consciousness”* – published in *”Philosophy and Science – An Exploratory Approach to CONSCIOUSNESS”* – Papers read at a 2002 seminar at the Ramakrishna Mission Institue of Culture, Kolkata

N Ganapathy Subramanian, 09 JAN 2024

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